Department of Oral Medicine and Radiology is unique in that it combines Oral Medicine and Radiology. It sits at the interface between dentistry and medicine. It is a specialist clinical area of care for treating head and neck diseases. In some instances, symptoms and signs in the mouth reflect problems only in the mouth. However, in some cases mouth symptoms can suggest a connection with disease or problems in other parts of the body and it is the Oral Medicine specialist who can best decide what tests or investigations are needed in these situations. Conditions managed in Oral Medicine are often chronic and may have a significant psychological, as well as physical impact on the patient’s quality of life. Some of these conditions also involve other diseases in the body, and in these cases the oral medicine specialist works as part of a multi-disciplinary patient care team.

Oral Medicine is involved in patient care, teaching and research involving diagnosis and medical management of diseases of the orofacial complex including:

  • Orofacial pain, including temporomandibular disorders (TMD)
  • Mucosal diseases
  • Oral cancer and complications of cancer therapy
  • Dental care for patients with disabilities
  • Neurosensory and motor disorders
  • Salivary dysfunction
  • Oral complications of systemic illnesses
  • Craniofacial imaging and other diagnostics

Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology deals with the acquisition and interpretation of radiographic imaging studies performed for diagnosis of treatment guidance for conditions affecting the maxillofacial region. We provide training and thorough knowledge on techniques and interpretation for conventional as well as advanced maxillofacial imaging like CBCT, CT, MRI and NUCLEAR  IMAGING.



  • Oral Medicine and Radiology integrates medicine and dentistry to promote optimal health. 
  • To build a humane society through excellence in education and health care
  • To train dental graduates in the field of oral medicine and Radiology with appropriate skill and knowledge, enlightening them to know the art of diagnosis prevention, and management of all oral diseases
  • To promote and facilitate the research activities which will transform the nature of Diagnosis and treatment of Oral and Para Oral diseases


  • To develop a Centre of Excellence imparting quality education, generating competent, skilled manpower to face the scientific and social challenges, with a high degree of credibility, integrity, ethical standards and social concern.
  • To identify and cultivate new knowledge in the realm of science, transforming oral health care practices and related technologies for the benefit of individuals, families and communities.
  • To foster the development of dental graduates in the field of oral medicine and radiology with appropriate knowledge and skills which will facilitate them in diagnosis,
  • To actively cater the needs of all the patients and promote excellence in patient care and provide cost-effective expert Oral Medicine care.
  • To promote extensive research in the field of Oral Medicine and Radiology with the available resources




S.No.Name of the StaffQualificationDesignation
1Dr. Aravind KumbakonamMDSProfessor & HOD
2Dr.R AditiMDSReader
3Dr.Mehroz AmenaMDSReader
4Dr.D Naresh NaikMDSSenior Lecturer
5Dr.G.LavanyaMDSSenior Lecturer