Dr.Vijay Kumar K V
(Professor & Head of Department)


The department of PUBLIC HEALTH DENTISTRY, at Malla Reddy Women’s Dental College ,Suraram, is situated in the clinical block at the second floor. The department is well equipped with all the latest equipments and facilities to conduct outreach programs. There are also a number of models and charts to benefit the patients in better understanding of the dental diseases and their course.

The department also has fully functional mobile dental van to assist in the treatment of minor oral diseases at our outreach programmes. The department also has a fully functional peripheral health center to extend its facilities to the under privileged .The staffs of the department are dedicated towards training the undergraduate students towards conducting camps and outreach programmers.

It serves as a center for dental health education to promote awareness about prevention strategies among the public about various dental diseases. We actively involved in all the health initiatives by participating in national and international health programs and rural school health programmes.


Experienced and enthusiastic faculties for each and every subject recruited from reputed colleges, universities and well known educational institutions.
Dr.K.V.Vijay Kumar
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Dr. Preethi J
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Dr.Vishnu Priya
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Dr. Minalapuram Kalaanjali
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Dr.Vikas Sahu
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