Activities under National Service scheme

World Health Day


National Yoga Day


National Youth Day


World Aids Day


Constitution Day


Children's Day


National Library Day




World Environment Day


Social Responsibility and Community Engagement

The college's focus on social responsibility strengthens community engagement and encourages collective action for socioeconomic development. By involving students and staff in community projects, MRDCW fosters a sense of civic duty and promotes a collaborative approach to addressing social challenges. Through these socioeconomic development initiatives, MRDCW plays a significant role in supporting the local community. By empowering women, promoting education, fostering health, and addressing environmental issues, the college contributes to a more inclusive and sustainable future. The combined impact of these initiatives helps to reduce inequality, create opportunities, and promote overall well-being in the community.

Environmental Initiatives

MRDCW's environmental initiatives, such as the Swachh Bharat campaign and tree plantation drives, contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable environment. A healthier environment supports overall well-being and can attract business and tourism, which in turn contribute to economic growth.

Education and Scholarship Programs

MRDCW promotes education as a tool for socioeconomic development. The college's scholarship programs for underprivileged girls reduce financial barriers to education, empowering them to pursue higher education and professional careers. Through school collaborations and community education programs, MRDCW fosters a culture of learning that benefits the entire community. As a part of encouragement to students the institution provides books, stationary and cash award of Rs. 5,000/- to the top ranked students of 10th standard of government schools.

Skill Development Programs

Recognizing the importance of technology in today's job market, MRDCW offers basic computer training programs. These courses cover fundamental computer skills, such as word processing, spreadsheets, patient data management and internet navigation, providing women with the tools to enter the digital workforce. To help women transition from training to employment, MRDCW offers job placement assistance in Malla Reddy group of educations.


MRDCW supports socio-economic development by running skill development programs for local women. These programs offered training in vocational skills, empowering women and enhancing their employment opportunities. The college also collaborated with local NGOs and community organizations to support broader socio-economic development projects, reflecting a commitment to social responsibility


MRDCW operates mobile dental clinics that visit remote areas to provide free or subsidized dental care, including cleanings, extractions, and fillings. The college also offers basic procedures at its on-campus clinic at no cost and other treatments at subsidized rates, providing affordable dental care to low-income families.

Root Canal Awareness Program ("Save Your Tooth")

Root Canal Awareness Program was done on the occasion of cons-endo day and was awarded by Indian Association of Conservative dentistry and Endodontics (IACDE) for the same. Purpose of the program: MRDCW launched a "Save Your Tooth" program to explain the benefits of root canal treatment. The college held seminars where expert dental professionals (endodontists) explained the process, emphasizing that root canal treatment is often a better alternative to tooth extraction and pain relief procedure. As part of this program, MRDCW tackled common misconceptions about root canals, addressing concerns about pain and discomfort. The college shared testimonials from patients who had undergone successful root canal treatments to reassure those who might be apprehensive. The awareness program encouraged preventive measures to avoid root canals, such as regular dental check-ups and proper oral hygiene practices. MRDCW's campaign also emphasized early intervention when dental problems arise.

Trauma Awareness Campaign

This is celebrated to raise awareness regarding increasing prevalence of trauma and the role of effective care. Emphasis is laid on taking a few preventive measures like wearing a helmet, to lessen the risk of such injuries, especially the timely measures that help quicker recovery and a better prognosis. With this objective, we conducted a trauma awareness program and all students and faculty participated in a bike rally to educate the public in this regard.

Hepatitis Vaccination Campaign

As infectious diseases pose a serious threat for dental teams particularly because of working in close proximity to patients and results in exposure to many body fluids and aerosols, immunisation reduces the risk of contracting such infectious diseases and strengthens body's natural defences providing protection. We, at Malla Reddy dental college for women, conduct hepatitis vaccination for the students- both UGs and PGs every year, thereby offering safety to all the budding dentists.

Activities under National Service scheme

World Cancer Day


World Dentistry Day


Health and Hygiene Initiatives

By providing free dental health camps and subsidized treatment at its on-campus clinic, MRDCW contributes to improved health outcomes in the community. Healthier individuals are better able to work and contribute to the economy, making health initiatives an essential aspect of socioeconomic development. The college's awareness campaigns on oral hygiene, personal hygiene, and preventive health measures further support this objective.

Community Partnerships

The college collaborates with local NGOs, community organizations, and government agencies to support socioeconomic development projects. These partnerships expand the reach and impact of MRDCW's initiatives, allowing the college to address broader community needs and create sustainable development opportunities

Oral Hygiene day

We celebrate this day to spread the message of taking good care of oral health that in turn affects the general health. As a part of this, we demonstrate the appropriate brushing technique to people belonging to different age groups and those with gum problems. While we ensure to follow this in each outreach program, we also bring students from the surrounding schools and enact a skit for their better understanding.

No Tobacco Day and No smoking day

No Tobacco Day is observed worldwide on May 31st every year to raise awareness about the harmful effects of tobacco use and to advocate for policies that reduce tobacco consumption. At Malla Reddy Dental College for Women, we organized a series of events to mark this important occasion, including a rally, skit performance, and poster making competition, inviting students to showcase their artistic talents while promoting the theme of No Tobacco Day. Participants created visually appealing posters featuring compelling messages and illustrations discouraging tobacco use and advocating for a smoke-free environment. The day commenced with a rally led by students and faculty members, carrying banners and posters with messages against tobacco use- aimed to raise awareness among the public about the adverse health effects of tobacco and the importance of adopting a tobacco-free lifestyle. Following the rally, a thought-provoking skit was performed by students highlighting the various health hazards associated with tobacco use. The skit portrayed real-life scenarios depicting the detrimental effects of tobacco on oral health, respiratory system, and overall well-being. Through compelling storytelling and acting, the performers effectively conveyed the message of the importance of tobacco cessation and the benefits of leading a tobacco-free life. The skit received an enthusiastic response from the audience and succeeded in delivering its intended message.

National Tooth Brushing Day

National Tooth Brushing Day is observed annually in the first week of November at Malla Reddy Dental College for Women with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of oral hygiene and promoting good dental care practices among people of all ages. Educational sessions to raise awareness about the importance of oral hygiene, including proper brushing techniques and the benefits of regular dental check-ups were conducted for students of ZPHS, weaker section school, suraram. Interactive activities, such as brushing demonstrations through a skit, were conducted and free brushing kits distributed to motivate them.


The college had a strong focus on health and hygiene awareness, regularly conducted free dental health camps in local communities. Equipped with a mobile dental bus, MRDCW provided basic dental facilities catering to both the pediatric and geriatric population. The college also ran awareness campaigns on various preventive measures such as handwashing, personal and oral hygiene. These campaigns targeted different age groups, from children to adults, ensuring a broad reach. Free dental health camps in local communities Though we have witnessed a significant improvement in health over the past few years, the distribution of the services has been unequal, with most of them focussed on urban population. Hence, we target to address the oral health issues of the rural population and school children, through our outreach programs. Our mobile dental bus has two completely functional dental chairs with basic facilities and in the meantime, patients waiting for their turn are motivated through educational videos on the television.

Tree plantation drives

Staff members and students actively participating in Haritha haram programs for the past several years.


MRDCW actively participated in the Swachh Bharat campaign, organizing community clean-up drives to keep public areas clean. Through these efforts, students and staff cleaned local parks, streets, and other public spaces, promoting environmental responsibility. Tree plantation drives are another key initiative, with the college organizing events where students and staff planted trees in public spaces to enhance environmental sustainability.

Activities under National Service scheme

Mask distribution program

We also conducted a mask distribution program during this time, so as to make people aware of the precautions to be followed and importance of PPE kit along with instructions on how to use it. The interns in their rotation duties during the initial days after lockdown was relaxed assisted the patients in the waiting area in helping them follow the right technique of using a mask. Additionally, social distancing also was taught so as to curb the spread of the disease.

COVID Awareness Program

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on communities worldwide, highlighting the critical importance of raising awareness about the virus and preventive measures. COVID awareness program was conducted online at Malla Reddy Dental College for Women. Faculty and students of neighbourhood schools and colleges were invited for the webinar. The primary objective of this timely session was to educate participants about the transmission, symptoms, and preventive measures related to COVID-19. This included disseminating accurate information about the virus, its variants, and the importance of vaccination. Another key objective was to promote preventive measures such as wearing masks, practicing hand hygiene, maintaining physical distance, and following local health guidelines. Emphasis was placed on the role of individual behavior in reducing the spread of the virus. The program aimed to address common misconceptions and misinformation about COVID-19, particularly regarding vaccine safety and efficacy. Providing evidence-based information helped dispel myths and build trust in vaccines and public health interventions. Encouraging vaccination was the central focus of the program, emphasizing the importance of getting vaccinated to protect oneself and others from severe illness and to contribute to community immunity. This program contributed to efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus and safeguard public health.

Activities under National Service scheme

World Cancer Day

Mallareddy Dental College for Women commemorates World Cancer Day to spread awareness about cancer prevention, detection, and treatment among students, faculty, and the community at large. Trained medical and dental professionals conducted screenings and provided counselling to attendees, emphasizing the importance of regular check-ups for early detection. These activities empowered everybody with knowledge and encouraged to take proactive steps towards a cancer-free future.


MRDCW has prioritized education by conducting regular workshops and seminars in the community. These programs focused on oral health, personal hygiene, and preventive healthcare, with collaborations with local schools to promote dental care among children. On occasion of Conservative and Endodontics day, the Department of Conservative Dentistry, Malla Reddy Dental College for Women conducted a seminar on importance of oral health and demonstrated brushing techniques to children and faculty. As it was beginning period o COVID pandemic, hand washing technique and importance of face mask was explained to the participants. This was conducted on 05.03.2020 at Zilla parishad high school which commenced at 9.00AM.This camp was organised under the supervision of staff Dr.Swathi, Dr. Nimeshika and interns Ms. Spoorthy, Ms.Srija. The camp was well organized and a total of 175 patients were screened. This camp benefited the public by creating an awareness about oral hygiene and health care as well as provided ample opportunities for the students to gain experience and improve their skills. The response given by the public was positive and the camp was deemed successful. MRDCW has adopted a school and offers scholarships to underprivileged girls for pursuing dental education. These scholarships cover tuition fees and related expenses, promoting education and empowerment among women.

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