Add On Courses

Academic Year (2018-19)

S.No Name of the value added courses (with 30 or more contact hours)offered Course Code (if any) Year of offering No. of times offered during the same year Duration of course Number of students enrolled in the year Number of Students completing the course in the year Brochures & Certificates Students Enrolled
1 Composites in Dentistry ADC-1801 2018-2019 1 31 97 97 View File View File
2 Basic wire bending technique ADC-1802 2018-2019 1 31 110 110 View File View File
3 Photography – a diagnostic aid ADC-1803 2018-2019 1 32 117 116 View File View File
4 Clinical practice management ADC-1901 2018-2019 1 32 87 87 View File View File
5 Dental Implantology ADC-1902 2018-2019 1 31 73 73 View File View File
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